Configuring a Mikrotik RB750G Router for an IPv6 HE Tunnel
I had previously set up an IPv6 Tunnel using Hurricane Electric's
Tunnel Broker service, using one of the Linux machines on my home
LAN. More recently, I switched from using an off-the-shelf Linksys
WRT610n wireless router that had unofficial and broken support
for IPv6, to a Mikrotik RB750G router that officially
supported IPv6 tunnels. I decided that the new router should be the
machine routing IPv6 through the tunnel, and these pages tell how I did it.
It was actually quite easy, as HE (Hurricane Electric) has tunnel
endpoint configuration info for several different systems, including
Mikrotik's RouterOS. My ISP is TWC residential, with a DHCP-assigned
public IP address, so when the address updates, I need to update the
tunnel configuration accordingly. Fortunately, the Mikrotik wiki and
forums had a tunnel endpoint update script that I could modify to use
with my setup. The hardest part to setting things up was figuring out
how to input/edit the update script so it could automatically determine
the IP address assigned to the WAN interface, and afterwords to figure
out the right IPv6 firewall settings for what I wanted.
The following pages provide specific details, including resource
links. The information assumes that you already have a working IPv6
tunnel set up with HE's tunnel broker service.