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Title: Obedience
Rating: 4
Author: Will Lavender
ISBN: 978-0-307-39610-5
Pages: 287
Format: hardcover
Started: 2013-06-02
Finished: 2013-06-02

A mystery set in a private college, it follows the actions and thoughts of three students as they attend classes for Logic and Reasoning 204, taught in a very unusual fashion by a quite mysterious Professor Williams. I found it very intriguing, with a totally unexpected plot twist ending.

NOTE: I use a 0 to 5 system to rate what I've read. A book or article that has no rating at all is either waiting to be finished, or I've not had the chance to rate it yet.
 0 = I disliked the book, and do not recommend it at all.
 1 = The book was just tolerable enough to finish.
 2 = The book was okay but nothing to write home about.
 3 = The book was fair enough to read at least once.
 4 = The book was enjoyable and definitely worth reading.
 5 = I thoroughly enjoyed the book or it had a lasting impact.

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