Jrwz.net is James R. Williams Zavada


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My Reading List

For those of you who aren't aware of this, all published books are assigned an ISBN (International Standard Book Number). Any bookseller worth it's salt can use the ISBN to order you the book in question. So I'll try to include ISBN numbers (yes, that is redundant, just like saying HTTP protocol is redundant :) below whenever I list a book.

The list, sorted with the most recently read first:

NOTE: I use a 0 to 5 system to rate what I've read. A book or article that has no rating at all is either waiting to be finished, or I've not had the chance to rate it yet.
 0 = I disliked the book, and do not recommend it at all.
 1 = The book was just tolerable enough to finish.
 2 = The book was okay but nothing to write home about.
 3 = The book was fair enough to read at least once.
 4 = The book was enjoyable and definitely worth reading.
 5 = I thoroughly enjoyed the book or it had a lasting impact.

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