Jrwz.net is James R. Williams Zavada


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And this just in...

Here's the part of my site where I get to tell you what I've been up to, what I'm currently doing, what I may be into down the pike, or anything I might feel like expressing in a somewhat public fashion. If you see something here and have questions or thoughts that you'd like to communicate to me, you can use my contact form or look up my contact info here.

Note that dates and times for posts are listed using the U.S. Eastern Standard time zone, and times are listed in 24-hour format (e.g. 7:04AM is 07:04, 7:19PM is 19:19, etc.).


New Address

We've sold the house in NY, and we're supposed to close on the new house on the 26th. So our new address will be 90 Portsmouth Island Drive, Garner, NC 27529.

New Home

Although we've only been house-hunting for a short time, it looks like we've found one that is almost a perfect match for our wish-list. We're in the midst of selling our old house in NY, and buying a new one here in NC, so we've been pretty busy. It looks like 2007 is going to be another busy year, with another move in the works. Fortunately, this one looks like it won't be quite so much of a change, as we'll only be moving from Cary, NC to Garner NC (only about 20 miles away or so).

The Year 2006 in Review

For me, 2006 was an extremely eventful and life-changing year. It started with the death of my Dad on the 6th of January, at 15:12. When I found out he had died, I wrote a letter to him. Even though I knew he would never read it, I needed an outlet for the thoughts and feelings that were overwhelming me. My Dad had previously put my sister in charge of his final affairs, and she scheduled his funeral exactly a week later. As he had been cremated, there was no wake, viewing, calling hours, or whatever it's called these days. Rather, it was a simple funeral service. At the front of the church was an ornate chest which contained his ashes, sitting upon an unadorned table. Nearby was a montage display of various photographs of him that I had arranged. My sister had asked me if I would say a few words (in effect, a eulogy) at the service. I agreed, and through many tears, publicly read the letter that I had written.


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